The World Fest's Proprietary Information ©1992
THE WORLD FEST EVENT: should contain at least the stared six (6) of the following list:
1. * Packing the stadium(s) and park(s) with people celebrating the positive lyric music of great band/groups of many forms of music from rap, soul, country, folk, jazz, rock, musicals, indigenous, big band, classical, etc. The record and media companies would have a field day promoting this positive giving for the people of the world, as was done with Live Aide, etc. Quality local talent should also be showcased.
2. * Diverse folk arts and crafts sold of positive images and posters - any profits would have at least 3/4 go to charities.
3. * Prayer and/or silent/meditation time(s) and short inspiring discourses (during the changing of the stage at the concert) for people to bring in the Spirit of All (God) for every one’s edification and for the end of hunger and violence — each areas religions should be represented with inclusive - all-encompassing discourses (The Way/Path/God/Higher Power rather than Jesus, Buddha, etc.). The like of Neale Donald Walsch, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Paul Farmer, Maya Angelou, Tony Robbins, several Nobel Laureates, etc could be such speakers.
4. * Booths with information on how each person may take action to end hunger, bring about sustainable living and more peace – within themselves, their community, and the world in general.
5. * At six p.m. (1800) everywhere, all activities will stop for a minute of silence/prayer for world peace and prosperity.
6. * Booths of ethnic food sold by various groups supporting the poor & charities - at least 3/4 of profits go to charities. Quality restaurants and ethnic groups would support this area.
7. Inclusive booths that show how and where people could volunteer their time and expertise to the needy NPO’s of their area and/or the world.
8. New Games, Project Adventure style activities and Cooperative games/play could be shared and played as demonstrated by schools and professionals, adding fun and cooperative play for all to participate in and around the Concert venue/park.
9. A grand peace and harmony parade with youth bands, drill teams, and floats created by the children of the city and region leading to a major park/stadium for the festivities. Posters/Murals may be created by the schools in each area of the world’s cities supporting and promoting the theme of the World Fest.
10. Clowns, storytellers (sharing positive character developing stories like from Chicken Soup for the Soul series or the Book of Virtues), Morality Plays, 'street entertainers' could meander through the park or be located around it. Any donations to them would have at least 3/4 of profits go to charities.
11. Ethnic/folk bands and troubadours could be located around the venues.
12. Health clinics could screen for high blood pressure, 'Fat' screening, Blood Pressure, etc., In Africa/Asia, it could be Aides/TB/Malaria screening too.
13. Job placement centers located around the areas. Dept. of Human Services would support/staff this.
14. Expositions of the various health and welfare services, of the locality, could be on display in various areas of the park/stadium.
15. Concurrent museum displays and exemplary lectures would depict the positive influences of humans in the world’s evolution toward a more peaceful, quality coexistence.
16. A World Fest Cinema Festival to coincide with the World Fest. It would dramatically elucidate the ideals of the WF in dramatic, comedy, and documentary forms of the film media. The first WF Cinema Festival would occur in Los Angeles and cycle around to London, Bombay, Sydney, and back in succeeding years.
17. A Computer Game Extravaganza would showcase the “New Games” which stimulate character, and unity, cooperative games/play. Included could be Games that would stimulate solving the problems of human connectedness/cooperation, environmental issues, etc.
18. The Boy/Girl Scouts, “Police/Peace Explorers” and other volunteers could help supervise the areas – setting examples for “O” Waste, recycling, community service, etc.
19. The necessary Police would be offered a special training to act more like Peace Officers rather than “police.”
20. A Booth with Character Inclusion books, tapes, videos, literature/handouts - spreading the social values of practicing the virtuous life.
21. Sustainable Housing/Living presented in booth and as an actuality, build a 500 sq. ft. home/structure in 24 hours.
22. Documentary Film Exposition of environmental and social action issues to stimulate discussion and action, such as the Nobelist, Inconvenient Truth, The Man Who Planted Trees, etc.
23. A Video Shorts webcast/site like would spread the similar transforming messages for harmony in humanity. It could be projected onto screens at the Stadium during the set changes OR out in the park OR elsewhere in the city.
24. The inspiring speakers of the World Fest could come to the city sometime prior to and/or stay later to offer speaking and workshop engagements - generating more practical inspiration for more people to get the message of peace and prosperity for ALL. They also could be on radio and television programs doing the same – all the while also promoting the World Fest.
25. Each year a new theme for the World Fest would stimulate the inspired artists to create new music/lyrics, art/crafts, stage and other performances thus keeping the World Fest attractive, fresh, and vibrant. Possibly using some “oldie” tunes to inspire new lyrics on similar themes of peace and love. Imagine, Peace Train,
26. Ethnic and cultural costumes are stimulated to be wore by attendees, possibly a discount for onsite purchases at the World Fest…
27. Shuttles will be provided to the concert and other venues for the World Fest participants. On those shuttles, the music could be “live” from the concert.
28. Find out how to explore new cultures, learn how to apply for a World Fest passport, taste cultural cuisines, and get your name written in other languages.
* = These would be at each World Fest, others from this list may be added each year to bring more people participating and benefiting. AND each year more cities are added – to bring the joy of music, food, philanthropy, and playing together back to the Human Family.
How shall it happen all over the world?
How do you see yourself as being one of the supporters, organizers, or sponsors? Share it with love with friends/anyone; expose some or all forms to the media, producers, etc. to do it. Make it you own, do what you can do and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You could: make a phone call to a mayor or governmental representative, PERSONALLY MEETING someone about this transformative selfless project, emailing this to all your friends/acquaintances, etc. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking about it, have me talk with them… Here is a chance to do a great thing through a simple sharing or more... Let's make the world a better place with fun, food and festivities for all...
The financial statement of the World Fest Organization would be open to public scrutiny. As would the charities that donations are made to through the WFO